---* Версия 11.1 *---
Dendrohyrax arboreus A. Smith, 1827
син.: Dendroxyrax adersi Kershaw, 1924
Dendroxyrax adolfi-friederici (Brauer, 1913)
Dendroxyrax bettoni (Thomas and Schwann, 1904)
Dendroxyrax braueri Hahn, 1933
Dendroxyrax crawshayi (Thomas, 1900)
Dendroxyrax helgei (Lonnberg and Gyldenstolpe, 1925)
Dendroxyrax laikipia Dollman, 1911
Dendroxyrax mimus (Thomas, 1900)
Dendroxyrax neumanni (Matschie, 1893)
Dendroxyrax ruwenzorii (Neumann, 1902)
Dendroxyrax scheelei (Matschie, 1895)
Dendroxyrax scheffleri (Brauer, 1913)
Dendroxyrax schubotzi (Brauer, 1913)
Dendroxyrax schusteri Brauer, 1917
Dendroxyrax stuhlmanni (Matschie, 1892)
Dendroxyrax terricola Mollison, 1905
Dendroxyrax vilhelmi (Lonnberg, 1916)
Dendroxyrax vosseleri Brauer, 1917
Dendroxyrax arboreus A. Smith, 1827
древесный даман, южный древесный даман
tree hyrax, Southern tree hyrax, Southern tree dassie, Eastern tree dassie, Eastern tree hyrax
Ареал древесного дамана:
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